Christine Draeger, Lamorna Nightingale & Jocelyn Edey-Fazzone
invite you to join in a celebration of new Australian Flute Music at the launch of their CD.
Eat Chocolate and Cry Australian Flute Music 1999-2009
Reed Music is pleased to be publishing many pieces from this new CD release.
Date: 5:30pm Tuesday 29 September 2009
Where: Australian Music Centre,
Level 4, The Arts Exchange, 10 Hickson Road, THE ROCKS
“The fifteen pieces chosen for this CD celebrate the surprising diversity of new Australian flute music. It will be of particular interest to flute teachers and students but we also think it's a lovely selection of Australian composers' ‘miniature’ pieces, of interest to the discerning music lover. We only included pieces that we enjoy playing!"
Repertoire by Katy Abbott, Damian Barbeler, Tim Dargaville, Christine Draeger, Ross Edwards, Maria Grenfell, Alan Holley, Elena Kats- Chernin, Gordon Kerry, Graeme Koehne, Matthew Orlovich, Jan Preston and Jane Stanley
“This selection of exciting flute works by both emerging and established Australian composers is indeed like a chocolate box of special and delicious treats. It provides a fascinating glimpse into Australian composition for flute over the last decade.” John Davis CEO, Australian Music Centre
“I think this represents a wonderful, unmatched resource for teachers, performers and lovers of music generally. It's usefulness for teachers of HSC music performance is unparalleled.” Jude Huxtable, Flute Teacher
Date: 5.30 pm Tuesday 29 September 2009
Venue: Australian Music Centre,
Level 4, The Arts Exchange, 10 Hickson Road, THE ROCKS
RSVP Friday 25 September as numbers are limited. lamorna@tpg.com.au 0402 051 903 or cdraegerflute@hotmail.com 0412 213 799
The CD and sheet music for CD repertoire will be available at the launch and in the future Reed Music.